Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My first post....

Hello to everyone....

This blog has been many days before actually...but I was very much busy doing nothing.After much insistence from my friends(who are actually responsible for this blog),I have finally managed to sit in front of the computer and type out something called My First Post :D

So....where did this interest in blogging come up from?From my friends of course!(How can I forget that? :P)

Sometimes I feel that I am the only listener left in this whole wide world.Because before I say Boo,the people whose ramblings I have been hearing and sympathising,would be gone.Vanished.

Sometimes I think(Yes,I can think!) my identity is lost.Of course there have been problems with my life which I would not like to talk about (not for now,at least!),which should have made me pretty much tough and wise and mature,but the 3 words are pretty much NOT to be found in my dictionary.

So,to seek refuge from my own thoughtful whirlpool in my head,and to sort out my thoughts and feelings and distinguish them (Because many times I don't know whether I am feeling or thinking! :P) I am here to pester you all,and you have to give attention to this little-big-boy-gone-mad.

Err...don't be scared,I am not really too mad..just a wee-bit crazy.

Cheers...have a happy week ahead! :)

I guess you all are confused as to what I really wanted to say by my first post.
But let me assure you,I am more confused! :P


Anonymous said...

Nice one Anna!
Good beginning!
I hope you are now more frequent in this blog-world! :)

Rachana Shakyawar said...

Very well scripted Man!

"Because many times I don't know whether I am feeling or thinking"...i love this line..a this refects my thoughts too!
Keep up with ur blog!


Sid said...

Thanx sis.
Yeah I'll try to be regulat from now! :)

Thanx a lot for your comment!:)